On 15 February 2017, a partnership of civil society organisations that have been involved in rights-based struggles for access to a quality basic education launched a Basic Education Rights Handbook.
In an education context the Handbook serves to empower communities, school governing bodies, principals, teachers and learners to understand education law and policy, to know when learners’ rights have been violated and what steps are required to protect learners’ rights.
The initiative has been led by the public interest organisation Section27. The partner organisations that have contributed to the Handbook are: The Equal Education Law Centre, Equal Education, The Centre for Child Law, The Legal Resources Centre, The Southern African Litigation Centre and the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute. Three current and former students of human rights at Oxford contributed to this project: Chris McConachie (formerly of the Oxford Human Rights Hub), Nurina Ally, and Tim Fish Hodgson.
The Handbook aims to serve as a legal literacy tool. Legal literacy is an essential tool of rights-based struggles. It seeks to empower ordinary citizens to know and understand the law and its impact so that they can engage and apply the law in a manner that improves the quality of their lives.
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