Monday 17 February

“Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor—all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked—who is good? Not that men are ignorant—what is truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men.” American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois

15 April 2019

Health Attorney Nkululeko Conco will be attending a Workshop on Quality of health care services. The Director General for Health will be speaking about the work of the Lancet Commission which investigated the status and the quality of health care services in South Africa. We await the publication of the report by the Commission in order to better coordinate our work with others who seek to improve the health care system in South Africa. We also continue to engage with the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) sector with a view to improve the response to HIV/AIDS and TB.

Field Researcher, Patrick Mdletshe will be attending a report back session on the 22nd International AIDS Conference which took place in Amsterdam last year. In addition, he will present at the launch of a report evaluating a programme initiated by the Department of Social Development in KwaZulu Natal on home community based care (HCBC). His presentation will focus on HIV prevention and linkage to care for children at this meeting.

16 April 2019

Nkululeko will attend a meeting of People Living with AIDS (PLHIV) Sector National Council meeting to discuss the South Africa HIV response as it stands, developments with COP19 and the implementation of COP18. The meeting will also be a chance to discuss what is working and what isn’t with the continued intense focus on retention, prior to initiating new people on treatment. This in preparation for the meeting with PEPFAR on Wednesday 17 April on District Strategic Plans.

Field worker, Selby Mgadi will be facilitating a session at the King Cetshwayo District Civil Society Forum. This meeting will be attended by civil society and implementing partners in the district and will focus on treatment defaulting and linkage to care.

16 – 17 April 2019

Executive Director, Umunyana Rugege, Fundraising Assistant, Dolly Lebakeng and Head of Fundraising, Elinor Kern will be at the Annual Trialogue Business in Society Conference at the Wanderers Club. This industry-leading annual event promotes thought leadership, collaboration and innovation for more effective development, with emphasis on the integral role of business in society. SECTION27 has a stand and will be showcasing its work in basic education. Please visit us.

17 April 2019:

SECTION27’s Finance and Audit and Risk Committee (FARC) will meet with our auditors PwC for an audit close-out meeting which will review and discuss the outcomes of this year’s audit and the finalisation of SECTION27’s 2018 Annual Financial Statements.

Field Researcher Sifiso Nkala will be in Stanger KwaZulu Natal, at the Groutville clinic, facilitating a training workshop for People Living with HIV on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.

Categories: Week Ahead


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