Sunday 16 February

SECTION27 in partnership with The Children’s Radio Foundation hosted a four-day workshop where 15 learners were trained on radio production and sexual and reproductive health rights. The learners were all girls from Xinmunwana High School and Edward Homu Secondary School in Limpopo.

In the four days, learners were taught different components of radio production, putting a show together as well as the importance of telling their community stories. Learners identified a high rate of teenage pregnancy, sexual violence in school and gangsterism among the prime issues faced in the communities. They also raised concerns about not being able to access sexual and reproductive health services such as contraceptives or abortion services for fear of being victimised by healthcare professionals.


The SRHR champions were trained on how to use recorders and tasked to go into the community to conduct vox pops interviews. At the end of the workshop, the champions were beaming with confidence as a result of the new radio skills they had just been capacitated with and each sharing how they intend to influence their communities through the gift of storytelling.

Through the platform of community radio stations in Giyani, they will go into communities to record their stories and tell these stories on community radio stations. The aim of this project and partnership is to Advance our SRHR work to secure the future of young women and adolescent girls in Limpopo, one girl at a time.

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