Friday 07 February

Campaign Contents


South Africa has constitutionalised human rights, however, many of these rights have not been realised for people living in South Africa. The Bill of Rights, which is at the cornerstone of our Constitution, gives special attention to the protection and promotion of children’s rights. Section 28 of the Bill of Rights states that all children have the right to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.

In 2019, SECTION27 received two complaints of corporal punishment. In the first instance, a learner attending grade two at a primary school in Gauteng was hit on the back of his head with a PVC pipe by his teacher.

In the second instance, a teacher at a primary school in Limpopo struck a grade five learner on her cheek and then on her head. The learner experienced a lasting bleed from her ears which required her to visit several doctors, resulting in her absenteeism from school. Consequently, the learner was forced to repeat grade five. The parents of both learners have shared that their children felt afraid to return to school. SECTION27 has taken the South African Council of Educators to court to call on stringent sanctions on those found guilty of perpetrating corporal punishment.

Reporting Corporal Punishment Booklet

Press Statements

Leading up to and following the case there were a number of press statements you can read them here:

Opinion Pieces

SECTION27, and partners wrote a series of op-eds on the SACE case read them here:

Our SACE case in the media

Watch selected reporting on the case here:

Dr. Faranaaz Veriava on Newzroom Afrika
Demichelle Petherbridge on eNCA
Demichelle Petherbridge on eNCA
