Friday 07 February

“On behalf of the leadership, staff and members of the Treatment Action Campaign, I would like to congratulate SECTION27 on its launch and wish it everything of the best in the future.TAC and the AIDS Law Project have enjoyed a particularly close partnership, which has been central to the successes that were achieved in social mobilisation, policy development and service delivery….”

Click here for more on the message from TAC

“Médecins Sans Frontières welcomes the formation of SECTION27 [incorporating the AIDS Law Project]. The AIDS Law Project has a formidable history of contributing to the struggle to bring down the prices of essential life saving treatment for people living with HIV. When MSF began working in South African in 2002 in Khayelitsha the historic relationship with the ALP and the TAC was grounded in the battle to do anything necessary to source the lowest cost quality antiretroviral……

“Click here for more on the message from MSF

“As you gather to celebrate the establishment of SECTION27, I wish to salute the extraordinary contribution of the AIDS Law Project to the HIV response in South Africa and globally and express my strongest support for this.For almost two decades the work of the AIDS Law Project has illustrated the profound importance of the law as a tool for delivering positive health outcomes to those on the margins of our societies…….”

Click here for more on the message from UNAIDS

“I have the deepest admiration for my dear friends at the AIDS Law Project who, in collaboration with the Treatment Action Campaign, have spearheaded the greatest social advocacy campaign in modern history. You have served as the inspiration for a new generation of social reformers. The AIDS Advocacy movement has no parallels in its impact on society.

Click here for more on the message from Professor Gostin