Friday 17 January

Campaign Content


This is a ‘one-stop shop’ for resources about vaccines and Covid-19, developed to help activists combat myths, misinformation and fear about Covid-19 vaccination efforts in South Africa. These resources are based on the latest accurate, scientific information about the virus and immunisation against it, and will be updated regularly.

If you have questions about Covid-19 or vaccines, address them to and we will try to answer you.

Questions and Answers – Cards

These cards address many frequently asked questions about Covid-19 and can be shared with friends in English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, seSotho.

Share them via instant messaging platforms or social media from this page:

Vaccine Pamphlet

Vaccine hesitancy has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as a major health threat.  While some people are genuinely concerned and unsure about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine and its development, a surge of myths and disinformation threaten to derail global vaccination programmes that aim to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When deciding whether to get the vaccine, it’s important to separate myths from facts. We have developed a pamphlet containing verified information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine with explanations about how vaccines work, why it is important to be vaccinated and more. You can download, print or share this pamphlet here.

Covid-19 Vaccine Literacy – Train the Trainer Manual

Covid-19 Vaccine Literacy Train the Trainer Manual (May 2021)

Covid-19 Vaccine Literacy – Glossary and translations

Language about Covid-19 and vaccines can be confusing and very technical. In this glossary, we break down what important words or phrases mean in simple language. The glossaries have been translated into multiple South African languages.


Covid-19 Vaccine Literacy – Workshop Posters and translations

Developed by partners at the People’s Health Movement, these posters can be printed out to use in workshops for Covid-19 Vaccine literacy training. They break down how vaccines work, the current rollout plan for vaccines in South Africa and also questions of equitable access to vaccines.

These have been translated into isiZulu, isiXhosa, seSotho, Tshivenda. Other languages will follow soon.


Covid-19 Vaccine and adolescents

Since the pandemic, learners have suffered significant learning losses because of COVID related school closures. Children are now eligible to receive a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine, which has been approved by the South African Health Product Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). The vaccination of adolescents allows schools to reopen safely without disruptions and the need for rotational learning timetables. We’ve prepared the following infographics with information from the Department of Health explaining COVID-19 vaccine safety for adolescents.

Vaccine literacy training

Co-hosted by SECTION27 and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), this virtual workshop covered frequently asked questions of vaccines. We hosted Dr Isabella Panunzi, a medical doctor and infectious diseases specialist working for Medecins Sans Frontiers Belgium in their vaccines team, and Dr Andy Gray, a senior pharmacy lecturer at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and member of the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority. Designed for activists working on developing vaccine literacy, the workshop looked at the science behind vaccines, Covid-19, immunity, herd immunity and other questions, as well as the policy and regulatory framework for medicines.

Watch the video, and download the experts’ presentations here:

Dr Isabella Panunzi’s presentation from the training.
Dr Andy Gray’s presentation from the training.

Vaccine literacy train the trainer manual launch

SECTION27 worked with partner organisations the People’s Health Movement, C19 People’s Coalition Health Working Group and the People’s Vaccine Campaign to put together a vaccine literacy manual for activists. The virtual launch of this manual took place on 7 April 2021, introducing over 100 activists from civil society organisations around the country to the manual and to concepts pertaining to vaccine literacy and questions of equitable access to medicines. Watch the training here:

[Last updated 24 March 2021 / 7 April 2021 / 25 May 2021]