Thursday 16 January

Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health (JALI) is the beginning of a global coalition of civil society organisations and academia collaborating to challenge inequality in access to health care around the world and to develop strategies to promote and fulfill the human right to health. JALI’s ultimate goal is to develop and see implemented a Framework Convention on Global Health that will serve to guide all countries on their global responsibilities – both individually and collectively – to ensuring access to health care.

Discussions around the initiative began in late 2009.

If you would like to join or contribute to JALI, please contact us at:

This page will be regularly updated with new documents and articles by JALI members.

Health and justice activists gather to debate strategies to achieve the Right to Health

Southern African regional dialogue on strategies for accelerating and unifying campaigns for the Right to Health

JALI Factsheet

WHO Bulletin on JALI

World Health Report Background Paper on JALI

A Global Framework Convention on Health – Would it Help Developing Countries to Fulfill their Duties on the Right to Health? A South African Perspective by Mark Heywood and John Shija