Monday 17 February

The Department of Basic Education(“DBE”) provided SECTION27 with a plan to address the school furniture backlog in the province on 15 December 2012. The plan was submitted following a meeting between SECTION27 and the DBE (including the Deputy Minister) and the Limpopo Department of Education to discuss the ongoing education crisis in Limpopo.

The plan acknowledges that there are 106 400 primary school learners at 453 schools and 87 629 secondary school learners at 353 schools who do not have their own desks and chairs. It seeks to address these shortages by prioritizing the schools most affected by the furniture shortages, and ultimately addressing all backlogs in all Limpopo schools.

SECTION27 reviewed the plan and raised certain queries with the DBE, including a request for an indication of how implementation of the plan was unfolding and whether any delays had been experienced. SECTION27 also requested an indication of when the delivery of furniture to all affected schools in Limpopo would be completed. No feedback on these issues has been received, despite numerous follow-ups by SECTION27.

Further reading:
LP DBE Action Plan To Address School Furniture Backlog 13122012
LP DBE Consolidated Lists Of School Furniture Needs Per Districts Dec 2012