Monday 10 February

The ALP’s final review covers the organisation’s work from January 2009 through March 2010.  While focusing on recent work, this review also reflects on experiences and developments over the past 17 years as it considers the transition to SECTION27.

ALP final review: January 2009 – March 2010

Here are the contents of the review:

Contents and introductory pages
Foreword: Ring in the new
Chapter 1 – The aftermath of AIDS denialism: confronting HIV in a broken health system
Chapter 2 – Recalling the AIDS Law Project’s work on law in 2009/2010: Is there a future in social justice litigation?
Chapter 3 – South Africa’s ailing health system: how should it be treated?
Chapter 4 – Government in the cockpit (at last): the new challenges facing HIV prevention and treatment
Graph – The road travelled: milestones in the road on HIV human rights
Epilogue – AIDS Law Project: a sweet and sad farewell

  • Legal services and referrals
  • ALP participation in SANAC: January 2009 – March 2010
  • Key developments in politics, law and AIDS
  • Publications
  • Written submissions and reports
  • Presentations
  • Positions held by staff
  • Financial statements