Thursday 16 January

This year SECTION27 has been at the forefront of fighting for a quality health system for all people – regardless of race, income or nationality. After all, our Constitution says “everyone has a right of access to health care services.”

We have exposed and resolved medicine stocks-outs in hospitals and clinics, alerted the Minister and the media to failing public hospitals and the thieves in the health system. We have saved lives … by preventing deaths.

Strangely, not all people support our work! Some people high in government say that we are “foreign-funded” “neo-liberal” and have a hidden agenda. They don’t want ordinary people to find their power.

Prove them wrong. Show that SECTION27’s agenda is your agenda! Show that South Africans will invest in their own future by giving a little money for justice!

Please watch the short video below, then make our cause your cause. You will be counted…..Sincerely, Mark Heywood

Invest in our future. Become a friend of SECTION27 today!