Friday 07 February

Week Ahead 25 June – 29 June

“Freedom can be destroyed, not just by its retraction, but also by its abuse.”

Monday 25 June

SECTION27’s Deputy Director, Umunyana Rugege, is at the Budget Justice Coalition retreat in Franschhoek until Wednesday, 27 June. Civil society organisations intend to develop a collective strategy to guide the use of budget processes and frameworks to achieve social justice.

Executive Director Mark Heywood published an article in the Daily Maverick asking whether South Africa can actually afford its Constitution

Monday 25 June – Tuesday 26 June Field researcher Solanga Milambo, NSP Review Advocacy Officer Vuyokazi Gonyela and Field researcher Patrick Mdletshe, will be attending a South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) civil society meeting. In attendance will be sector leaders and provincial representatives. The meeting will be tracking the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) including position statements by Sectors on institutionalisation as well as a Global Fund Workshop.

Wednesday 27 June

Mark Heywood and Head of Health Sasha Stevenson are meeting with the School of Clinical Medicine on Wednesday about the effective post freezing in Gauteng Health.

Head of Communications Ntsiki Mpulo will be attending a Feminist Women’s Collective strategy workshop in response to the sexual harassment crisis in the NGO sector as recently highlighted in the media.

Thursday 28 June

Attorney Ektaa Deochand, Legal researcher Tendai Mafuma and Communications Officer Nomatter Ndebele will be in the Bloemfontein High Court representing 91 Community Health Care Workers who were arrested and detained following a peaceful protest in 2014. The claim is for damages arising from unlawful arrest and malicious prosecution against the Minister of Police and the prosecutors involved in the prosecution proceedings.

Thursday 28 June – Friday 29 June Sasha Stevenson will attend and present at the Dullah Omar colloquium entitled: The role of regional / sub-regional human rights bodies in advancing sexual and reproductive health rights in Africa. Sasha will speak about: Realising Access to health care for vulnerable groups: A case study of the Life Esidemini Tragedy.

Thursday 28 – Friday 29 June Patrick Mdletshe will convene a KZN civil society meeting in his capacity as chairperson. The meeting will review the Provincial Implementation Plan (PIP) targets for the province as well as  review the provincial proposal which will then be submitted to the Global Fund as part of the country proposal.

Categories: Week Ahead


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