Saturday 25 January

“Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.”- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States


Monday 12 November – 16 November

Researcher Thuthukile Mbatha will be attending the International Conference on Family Planning in Kigali, Rwanda from 12 to 16 November 2018. She will also speaking at the SheDecides Open House on 14 November 2018 about the importance of such movements in Southern Africa to ensure the realization of women and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Tuesday 13 November

Advocacy Officer Vuyokazi Gonyela will be attending a Post TB High Level Meeting workshop organized by Doctors Without Borders(MSF) for activists, researchers and advocates to craft a way forward for civil society organisations and translate the global TB declaration into a national advocacy document.

Field Researcher Patrick Mdletshe will be attending a Bhekisisa Centre for Health and Journalism and Mail & Guardian policy dialogue on the provincial implementation of the National Strategic Plan in Johannesburg. Patrick will be participating as a panelist with the National Department of Health’s Dr Yogan Pillay, Dr Sandile Buthelezi from South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), Constance Raphahlelo from Limpopo Provincial AIDS Council Secretariat and Elphas Nkosi from the Mpumalanga AIDS Council.

Tuesday 13 November – 14 November

Legal Researcher Pamela Choga and Head of Communications Ntsiki Mpulo will be in Durban for a roundtable titled “Equitable Quality Education for Blind and Partially Sighted People” organised by the KwaZulu-Natal Society for the Blind. Pamela will be presenting on access to education, specifically on the braille textbooks case.

Wednesday 14 November – 15 November

Vuyokazi Gonyela will be attending the South Africa Health Technologies Advocacy Coalition (SAHTAC) annual general meeting in Pretoria. The Coalition’s advocacy agenda is to support evidence based policy change and implementation of existing policies related to health research and development.


Friday 16 November

SECTION27’s male employees will sit down and have a frank conversation about to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and Gender Based Violence. SECTION27 has had multiple engagements with its employees and revisited its policies and facilitated broader discussions in respect of gender sensitivity within the workplace. This is an important undertaking in that we want to ensure that SECTION27’s own organisational culture meets the highest standard and is a conducive space for people to come forward where they do experience harassment or abuse.

Friday 16 November – 19 November

Vuyokazi Gonyela will be facilitating a two day TB and HIV treatment and adherence workshop that will be followed by a community dialogue to explore challenges influencing discrimination as a result of one’s diseases at New Life Township in the Eastern Cape for a group of community activists, parents, young women and girls. The programs aim to reach about 80 people.

Saturday 17 November

Researcher Tendai Mafuma will be presenting in a workshop at the People’s Health Assembly in Savar, Bangladesh, hosted by MEDICO International. There will be presentations from five organisations from South Africa who have come together to support local Community Health Workers to develop knowledge and skills to organise themselves in their struggle for better working conditions, and recognition as an important part of the public health care system.


Sunday 18 November

Executive Director Mark Heywood will be riding in the 94.7 Cycle Challenge in a fundraising effort for partner organisation Corruption Watch, you can support his fundraising efforts here


Week that was

Tendai Mafuma has been attending the Struggle for Health course offered by the International People’s Health University in Savar Bangladesh. The course running from 6 to 13 November 1028 brings together health activists from various parts of the world and is aimed at equipping health activists with research, networking and organisational skills in the struggle for access to medicines.

The long and winding road to healthcare: Spotlight reports on Mankosi Clinic which stands empty despite the urgent need for healthcare in the community. Read the article here.


Categories: Week Ahead


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