Monday 10 February

What we know about AIDS

What we know about AIDS explains the essential science of HIV succinctly and clearly. It was originally published as a chapter in Debunking Delusions by Nathan Geffen. With the permission of the author, Nathan Geffen, and the book’s publisher, Jacana, has released this chapter under the Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The National Health Act (NHA) Booklet

The National Health Act (NHA) is arguably the most important Act passed by Parliament to give effect to the right of everyone to have access to health care services. This right is guaranteed by section 27 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, which places express obligations on the state to progressively realise socio-economic rights, including access to health care.
Printed copies are available from the AIDS Law Project for R90.