Tuesday 21 January

SECTION27 Submission on the Discussion Document on the Transformation of the Judicial System and the Role of the Judiciary in the Developmental South African State

On 8 June 2012, SECTION27 made a submission on the “Discussion Document on the Transformation of the Judicial System and the role of the judiciary in the Developmental South African State”. SECTION27 made this submission because we believe that the voice of organisations working for social justice is crucial to debates over the role of the judiciary, especially considering the role that the judiciary has played in the achievement of important social justice victories. We also made the submission as part of our campaign to popularise and deepen an understanding of the Constitution amongst all people—particularly the least privileged amongst us.

Read the summary and full submission by clicking “read more” below

JSC interview raises concerns about judicial appointment process

SECTION27, Sonke, the Equality Project and TAC feel compelled to make public our views on how those who participated in the process were unfairly attacked, how Justice Mogoeng’s responses did little to address our concerns and how the JSC failed to discharge its constitutional mandate. We do so primarily because of our commitment to ensuring that future interviews for judicial appointment – to all superior courts – are conducted in an open and accountable process. While important, live broadcasting alone cannot guarantee that this happens.

The full press release is available at https://section27.org.za_old/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Joint_press_release_on_MM_-_201109061.pdf

Judgment expected soon in Constitutional Court case concerning legality of extension of Chief Justice’s term of office

On 18 July 2011, the Constitutional Court heard argument in the matter concerning the President’s recent extension of the Chief Justice’s term of office (set to expire at midnight on 14 August 2011). As set out in our last newsletter, SECTION27 acted on behalf of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL), which was admitted as amicus curiae (“friend of the court”).