Saturday 18 January

This is the second submission that SECTION27 is making on the draft National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV & AIDS, STIs and TB (Draft Zero for Consultation (“Draft Zero”)). The first submission considered the overall structure of Draft Zero; this submission considers costing and budgeting and the legal and policy framework within which these are to be done.

In particular, the submission argues that government departments and other organs of state and agencies responsible for implementing the plan must first seek to address the challenges associated with the costing of the plan. Thereafter, through proper budgeting processes, they must deal appropriately with the allocation of financial resources for its implementation.

The submission makes it clear that costing and budgeting cannot afford to be “in addition to” the development and implementation of the plan; they must form an integral part of these processes if the interventions outlined in the plan are to be properly resourced and implemented.

SECTION27 submission – costing and budgeting – 20110912