Friday 07 February


On Friday 15 June
2012 at 9.30am
the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB),
SECTION27 and Khulumani Support Group will hold a community & press
briefing at:

Regional Training Centre

Department of Health
& Social Development

Cnr Rabe & Paul
Kruger St


All members of the
media are invited and welcome to attend.

June 15th is the date by which the Pretoria High
Court ordered that all schools in Limpopo should have received their text books
for the new CAPS curriculum for Grades R, 1, 2, 3 (the foundation phase) and
Grade 10.

This week a delegation from NASGB, SECTION27 and TAC has
been meeting with school principals, governing bodies and learners in various
parts of Limpopo.

We will report back on our findings; the ‘catch-up plan’
which the Department has devised and submitted to us; as well as discuss our immediate
next steps if the National and Provincial Basic Education Departments place
themselves in contempt of court by Saturday 16th of June.

This is a matter of the utmost importance. The lives of our
future generations are being imperilled by the arrogance, maladministration and
corruption of the few that they have trusted to run one of the most important
departments of government.

For further
information contact:

Matakanye Matakanye:
072 283 4653

Mark Heywood: 083 634

Nikki Stein:
082 528 7232