Friday 07 February

The Eastern Cape Health Crisis Action Coalition (ECHCAC) invite all media to an important media conference.

The conference will feature the release of a special SECTION27 and TAC investigative report into the collapsing health system in the Eastern Cape as well as several announcements on a groundbreaking public campaign to fix the Eastern Cape Health system.

The report is not about statistics and numbers, but of people and their pictures. It aims to show our government the devastating human consequences of mismanagement, corruption and political indifference.

The press conferences will be addressed by health workers and activists. Speakers at the Johannesburg press conference include former Constitutional Court judge Zak Yacoob and a doctor who fought to save the life of Baby Ikho, an infant whose story is told in the report.

The press conference will also unveil:
– details of the mass march of health workers and users to the provincial legislature in Bisho onSept 13th
– the memorandum that will be delivered to the Eastern Cape Health MEC Sicelo Gqobana and the demands it makes.

Date: Wednesday 11th September
Time: 11:00am

SECTION27 offices
5th floor, Braamfontein Centre
23 Jorissen Street
Johannesburg, 2001

Eastern Cape:
Turnbull Park Recreation Club
Paterson St
East London, 5201

Health is your right; the system does not have to be this way. Together, we can make it better.

The Baby Ikho campaign to fulfill the right to health in the Eastern Cape – It’s your right!


For information on the Eastern Cape press conference contact:
Kwazi Mbatha: 078 059 9309 /

For information on the Gauteng press conference contact:
John Stephens: 073 077 5779 /

ECHCAC Press conference press release

EC March Poster – English

EC March Poster – Xhosa


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