Saturday 18 January

The National Department of Health published the National Health Insurance (NHI) business plans for the NHI pilot districts for the 2012/13 financial year. However, to date, the National Department of Health has not made the 2013/14 business plans publicly available. SECTION27 calls on the Department to follow the example it set in 2012 and make all the NHI pilot site business plans available on the NDoH website. By making the plans publicly available, the Department will be upholding the core principles of open government as well as providing civil society and communities with the necessary information to monitor the implementation of the NHI pilots. SECTION27 and its partners have obtained 3 out of the 11 business plans.  You can  access them here:

NHI business plan Eden District Western Cape

NHI Business plan Limpopo

NHI Conditional Grant Business Plan 2013-14 Mpumalanga

NHI Business Plan ORTambo

NHI Business Plan Umngungundlovu