Friday 07 February

In-depth on NHI: Common themes emerging from parliamentary hearings

On Wednesday this week it will be the 25th day of public hearings in Parliament on the National Health Insurance Bill since the hearings started in May last year. In Part 1 of this two-part series on the NHI Bill, Alicestine October looks at how MPs have dealt with oral submissions on the Bill in Parliament so far and assesses what this means for the Bill going forward.

Health Reform – Perspectives and Proposals

Health Reform – Perspectives and Proposals Executive Summary of the report: Health system reform efforts in South Africa appear to have stagnated. Following over a decade of discussion and debate, stakeholders are weary and do not trust each other’s motives and opinions.  This stagnation is fatal. South Africa’s health system Continue Reading

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NHI? NHI is a health financing mechanism the South African government aims to implement. The NHI bills says there will be a single purchaser of health services and this purchaser will buy these services based on a defined package of services. This is intended to bring down prices, Continue Reading