Monday 10 February

16 April 2014

Johannesburg – The Limpopo textbooks case will be heard on 22 and 23 April in the North Gauteng High Court before Judge Tuchten who had previously presided over the urgent application.

The case was brought by Better Education For All (BEFA) and 18 schools seeking to compel the National Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Limpopo Department of Education (LDoE) to deliver textbooks to 39 schools in Limpopo and to develop a comprehensive plan on textbook delivery to schools facing a textbook shortage in the province.

BEFA is a community-based organisation of parents, teachers, principals and concerned community members from Limpopo.

For media inquiries please contact: Ngqabutho Nceku Mpofu via email: or telephonically on 074 616 6937 or 011 356 4126.


Press Alert – Limpopo textbooks