The following organisations are founding members or have endorsed the anti-xenophobia march on 23 April 2015
Partners and endorsing orgs 13h00 22 Apr
- African Diaspora Forum
- Awethu! A People’s Platform for Social Justice
- Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in SA
- Corruption Watch
- Doctors Without Borders
- Equal Education
- Methodist Church of SA
- Nine Plus Unions
- Food and Allied Workers Union [FAWU]
- South African Municipal Workers Unions [SAMWU]
- Democratic Nurses Organization of SA [DENOSA]
- National Metal Workers Association of SA [NUMSA}
- South African Catering Commercial and Allied Workers Union [SACCAWU]
- The Public and Allied Workers Union of SA [PAWUSA]
- The South African State and Allied Workers Union of SA [SASAWU]
- The Communication Workers Union [CWU]
- The SA Football Players Union [SAFPU]
- South African Public Service Union (SAPSU)
- Peace Action
- Treatment Action Campaign
- Action Support Centre (ASC)
- Africa Health Placement
- African Monitor
- Africans for Africa (EntrepreneurConnect)
- AIDS Consortium
- AIDS Foundation of South Africa (AFSA)
- Alexandra Civic Organisation
- All African Association for Peaceful Reunification of China
- All African Chinese Women’s Association
- anti-Xenophobia action South Africa (aXaSA)
- Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO)
- Bolshevik Study Circles
- Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS)
- CAF Southern Africa
- Cameroon Social Democratic Front
- Canon Collins Trust
- Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR)
- Chris Hani Institute
- Civicus
- Congolese Democracy & Justice Campaign
- Congress of South African Non-racial Community Movement (COSANCOM)
- Core Concepts
- Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC)
- Creativation
- Democratic Left Front (DLF)
- Desmond Tutu Foundation
- Diaspora African Women Renaissance (DAWR)
- Ekurhuleni Environmental Organisation
- Eleganzia Gal Projects
- Film Makers Against Racism
- Forced Migration Working Group (FMWG)
- Foundation for Human Rights
- foxp2 advertising agency
- Future for African People (FAP)
- Gauteng City Region (Gauteng Provincial Government and Gauteng municipalities)
- Global Organisation (of) People (of) Indian Origin (GOPIO)
- Greenpeace Africa
- Habonim Dror Southern Africa
- Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG)
- Helen Suzman Foundation
- Higher Education and Training HIV AIDS Programme (HEAIDS)
- Hillbrow Community Advice Office
- InkuluFreeheid
- International Socialist Movement
- Iranti-org
- Kathrada Foundation
- Keep Left/Socialism from Below
- Lawyers for Human Rights
- LeadSA
- Legal Resources Centre
- Mahotella Queens
- Marikana Support Campaign
- Mehlo-Miya (Eye to the Sun)
- Migrant Health Forum (MHF)
- MKMVA Gauteng
- Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM)
- National Council of Trade Unions
- Nelson Mandela Foundation
- NISAA Institute For Women’s Development
- Olaf Palme Centre
- Open Society Foundation
- Operation Khanyisa Movement
- Orlando Pirates FC
- Oxfam
- Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
- People’s Health Movement South Africa
- Popular Education Programme
- Positive Women’s Network
- Potchefstroom Free Palestine Movement
- Praxis
- Protection of Foreign Business and Citizens
- Public Sector Accountability Monitor (PSAM)
- Quakers Johannesburg
- Quakers Pretoria
- Raphael Centre
- Rastafari United Front
- Revolutionary Marxist Group
- Right2Know Campaign
- Rural Health Advocacy Project
- Rwandan Platform for Dialogue, Truth and Justice (RDTJ)
- SA Jewish Board of Deputies
- SA National Youth Orchestra
- Sacred Heart College
- Scalabrini Centre
- Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT)
- Socialist Group
- Socialist Party of Azania (SOPA)
- Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)
- Solidarity Peace Trust
- Somali Association South Africa (SASA)
- Sonke Gender Justice
- Sophiatown Community Psychological Services
- SOS: Support Public Broadcasting
- South Africa Forum for International Solidarity (SAFIS)
- South African Congress of Non-Profit Organisation (SACONO)
- South African Council of Churches (SACC)
- South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC)
- Abahlali Civic Organisation
- African Center for Biosafety
- Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign
- Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
- Amahlokoliloko
- Asikhuiulisane
- Assumption Development Center
- Bethanie Solidarity Economy Education and Communication Cooperative
- Biowatch
- Botshabelo Farmers
- Consumer Action Network
- Cooperative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC)
- Dzumeri Area Farmers Association
- Earth Life Africa
- Ecolink Environmental Education Trust
- Ethical Cooperative
- Hlanganani Agricultural Cooperative
- Home of Mother Earth Foundation
- Ilizwi Lamafana Farmers Association
- Inyanda Cooperative
- Justice and Peace Network
- Khanyisa Development Project
- Land Access Movement of South Africa
- Lechaba Letsatsi
- Makukhanye Rural peoples Movement
- Masibambane Cooperative
- Mawubuye Land Rights Forum
- MCC Ficksburg
- Midrand Solidarity Economy Education and Communication Cooperative
- Midvaal Farmers Cooperative
- Mining Affected Communities United in Action
- Mopani Farmers Union
- Nama eSkills Center
- Ncedanani
- Nkuzi Development Association
- Ntinga Ntaba kaNdoda
- Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action
- Randfontien Farmers
- Rural Peoples Movement
- Rural Women’s Movement
- Shimange CPA
- Sikhala Sonke Womens Organisation
- South African Green Revolutionary Council
- South African Informal Traders Association
- South African Waste Pickers Association
- Southern Cape Land Committee
- Soweto Concerned Residents
- Surplus Peoples Project
- Sustaining the Wild Coast
- The Ecumenical Service for Socio-Ecumenical Transformation
- The South African Self-Employed Women’s Association
- Tiekhulu
- Trust for Community Outreach and Education
- Tswelalane Cooperative Bakery
- Tukululelo Agriculture Cooperative (CAMOSA)
- Twanano Manufacturing Cooperative
- Tyisa Nabanye
- UJ, Ezindabazokudla
- Unemployed Peoples Movement
- Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance
- Western Cape Informal Traders Coalition
- Women in the Kraal
- South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)
- South African Prisoners Organisation for Human Rights (SAPOHR)
- Soweto Wine Festival
- Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ)
- Uhuru Productions
- United Front
- Unity Movement
- University of Johannesburg
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Vaal Assembly
- Views for Deprived Peoples Development
- WITS Centre for Diversity Studies
- Wits History Workshop
- Wits Institute of Socio-Economic Rights (WISER)
- Workers and Socialist Party (WASP)
- World Changers International Mission
- Young Blood Movement
- Bishop Makgoba
- Barbara Hogan
- Ahmed Kathrada
- Prof Dale McKinley
- Prof Patrick Bond
- Dr Kally Forrest
- Bruce Mellado
- Brian Ashley
- Duma Gqubule
- Firoze Manji
- John Dludlu
- Martin Jansen
- Mercia Andrews
June · April 22, 2015 at 4:03 pm
Forward to peoples action. Xenophobia is not done in my name.
June Josephs-Langa · April 23, 2015 at 10:28 am
I endorse the People’s March.