Monday 17 February

The following organisations are founding members or have endorsed the anti-xenophobia march on 23 April 2015

Partners and endorsing orgs 13h00 22 Apr



  1. African Diaspora Forum
  2. Awethu! A People’s Platform for Social Justice
  3. Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in SA
  4. Corruption Watch
  5. Doctors Without Borders
  6. Equal Education
  7. Methodist Church of SA
  8. Nine Plus Unions
  • Food and Allied Workers Union [FAWU]
  • South African Municipal Workers Unions [SAMWU]
  • Democratic Nurses Organization of SA [DENOSA]
  • National Metal Workers Association of SA [NUMSA}
  • South African Catering Commercial and Allied Workers Union [SACCAWU]
  • The Public and Allied Workers Union of SA [PAWUSA]
  • The South African State and Allied Workers Union of SA [SASAWU]
  • The Communication Workers Union [CWU]
  • The SA Football Players Union [SAFPU]
  • South African Public Service Union (SAPSU)
  1. Peace Action
  2. SECTION27
  3. Treatment Action Campaign


  1. Action Support Centre (ASC)
  2. Africa Health Placement
  3. African Monitor
  4. Africans for Africa (EntrepreneurConnect)
  5. AIDS Consortium
  6. AIDS Foundation of South Africa (AFSA)
  7. Alexandra Civic Organisation
  8. All African Association for Peaceful Reunification of China
  9. All African Chinese Women’s Association
  10. anti-Xenophobia action South Africa (aXaSA)
  11. Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO)
  12. Bolshevik Study Circles
  13. Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS)
  14. CAF Southern Africa
  15. Cameroon Social Democratic Front
  16. Canon Collins Trust
  17. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR)
  18. Chris Hani Institute
  19. Civicus
  20. Congolese Democracy & Justice Campaign
  21. Congress of South African Non-racial Community Movement (COSANCOM)
  22. Core Concepts
  23. Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC)
  24. Creativation
  25. Democratic Left Front (DLF)
  26. Desmond Tutu Foundation
  27. Diaspora African Women Renaissance (DAWR)
  28. Ekurhuleni Environmental Organisation
  29. Eleganzia Gal Projects
  30. Film Makers Against Racism
  31. Forced Migration Working Group (FMWG)
  32. Foundation for Human Rights
  33. foxp2 advertising agency
  34. Future for African People (FAP)
  35. Gauteng City Region (Gauteng Provincial Government and Gauteng municipalities)
  36. Global Organisation (of) People (of) Indian Origin (GOPIO)
  37. Greenpeace Africa
  38. Habonim Dror Southern Africa
  39. Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG)
  40. Helen Suzman Foundation
  41. Higher Education and Training HIV AIDS Programme (HEAIDS)
  42. Hillbrow Community Advice Office
  43. InkuluFreeheid
  44. International Socialist Movement
  45. Iranti-org
  47. JPP
  48. Kathrada Foundation
  49. Keep Left/Socialism from Below
  50. Lawyers for Human Rights
  51. LeadSA
  52. Legal Resources Centre
  53. Mahotella Queens
  54. Marikana Support Campaign
  55. Mehlo-Miya (Eye to the Sun)
  56. Migrant Health Forum (MHF)
  57. MKMVA Gauteng
  58. Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM)
  59. National Council of Trade Unions
  60. Nelson Mandela Foundation
  61. NISAA Institute For Women’s Development
  62. Olaf Palme Centre
  63. Open Society Foundation
  64. Operation Khanyisa Movement
  1. Orlando Pirates FC
  2. Oxfam
  3. Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
  4. People’s Health Movement South Africa
  5. Popular Education Programme
  6. Positive Women’s Network
  7. Potchefstroom Free Palestine Movement
  8. Praxis
  10. Protection of Foreign Business and Citizens
  11. Public Sector Accountability Monitor (PSAM)
  12. Quakers Johannesburg
  13. Quakers Pretoria
  14. Raphael Centre
  15. Rastafari United Front
  17. Revolutionary Marxist Group
  18. Right2Know Campaign
  19. Rural Health Advocacy Project
  20. Rwandan Platform for Dialogue, Truth and Justice (RDTJ)
  21. SA Jewish Board of Deputies
  22. SA National Youth Orchestra
  23. Sacred Heart College
  24. Scalabrini Centre
  25. Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT)
  26. Socialist Group
  27. Socialist Party of Azania (SOPA)
  28. Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)
  29. Solidarity Peace Trust
  30. Somali Association South Africa (SASA)
  31. Sonke Gender Justice
  32. Sophiatown Community Psychological Services
  33. SOS: Support Public Broadcasting
  34. South Africa Forum for International Solidarity (SAFIS)
  35. South African Congress of Non-Profit Organisation (SACONO)
  36. South African Council of Churches (SACC)
  37. South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC)
  38. Abahlali Civic Organisation
  39. ABYG
  40. African Center for Biosafety
  41. Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign
  42. Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
  43. Amahlokoliloko
  44. Asikhuiulisane
  45. Assumption Development Center
  46. Bethanie Solidarity Economy Education and Communication Cooperative
  47. Biowatch
  48. Botshabelo Farmers
  49. Consumer Action Network
  50. Cooperative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC)
  51. COSATU
  52. Dzumeri Area Farmers Association
  53. Earth Life Africa
  54. Ecolink Environmental Education Trust
  55. Ethical Cooperative
  56. Hlanganani Agricultural Cooperative
  57. Home of Mother Earth Foundation
  58. Ilizwi Lamafana Farmers Association
  59. Inyanda Cooperative
  60. Justice and Peace Network
  61. Khanyisa Development Project
  62. Land Access Movement of South Africa
  63. Lechaba Letsatsi
  64. Makukhanye Rural peoples Movement
  65. Masibambane Cooperative
  66. Mawubuye Land Rights Forum
  67. MCC Ficksburg
  68. Midrand Solidarity Economy Education and Communication Cooperative
  69. Midvaal Farmers Cooperative
  70. Mining Affected Communities United in Action
  71. Mopani Farmers Union
  72. Nama eSkills Center
  73. Ncedanani
  74. Nkuzi Development Association
  75. Ntinga Ntaba kaNdoda
  76. Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action
  77. Randfontien Farmers
  78. Rural Peoples Movement
  79. Rural Women’s Movement
  80. Shimange CPA
  81. Sikhala Sonke Womens Organisation
  82. SOMAFCO Trust
  83. South African Green Revolutionary Council
  84. South African Informal Traders Association
  85. South African Waste Pickers Association
  86. Southern Cape Land Committee
  87. Soweto Concerned Residents
  88. Surplus Peoples Project
  89. Sustaining the Wild Coast
  90. The Ecumenical Service for Socio-Ecumenical Transformation
  91. The South African Self-Employed Women’s Association
  92. Tiekhulu
  93. Trust for Community Outreach and Education
  94. Tswelalane Cooperative Bakery
  95. Tukululelo Agriculture Cooperative (CAMOSA)
  96. Twanano Manufacturing Cooperative
  97. Tyisa Nabanye
  98. UJ, Ezindabazokudla
  99. Unemployed Peoples Movement
  100. Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance
  101. Western Cape Informal Traders Coalition
  102. Women in the Kraal
  103. South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)
  104. South African Prisoners Organisation for Human Rights (SAPOHR)
  105. Soweto Wine Festival
  106. Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ)
  107. Uhuru Productions
  108. United Front
  109. Unity Movement
  110. University of Johannesburg
  111. University of the Witwatersrand
  112. Vaal Assembly
  113. Views for Deprived Peoples Development
  114. WITS Centre for Diversity Studies
  115. Wits History Workshop
  116. Wits Institute of Socio-Economic Rights (WISER)
  117. Workers and Socialist Party (WASP)
  118. World Changers International Mission
  119. Young Blood Movement


  1. Bishop Makgoba
  2. Barbara Hogan
  3. Ahmed Kathrada
  4. Prof Dale McKinley
  5. Prof Patrick Bond
  6. Dr Kally Forrest
  7. Bruce Mellado
  8. Brian Ashley
  9. Duma Gqubule
  10. Firoze Manji
  11. John Dludlu
  12. Martin Jansen
  13. Mercia Andrews


June · April 22, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Forward to peoples action. Xenophobia is not done in my name.

June Josephs-Langa · April 23, 2015 at 10:28 am

I endorse the People’s March.

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