Monday 10 February

As we continue in the fight for Social Justice, we remember our comrade Godfrey Phiri whose memorial services we attended last week. We remember his invaluable contribution to the struggle for social justice and as we continue down this path, we are reminded that our work is not yet done. Hamba Kahle Comrade Godfrey Phiri.

Monday 5 September: SLLSJ Fellow Tina power is in Kenya this week participating in the 2016 Global Meeting on Privatisation of Education to be held in Nairobi.
The meeting will convene diverse stakeholders working on issues around the right to education in particular the growth of private actors in education provision. Additionally the meeting aims to strengthen the coordination efforts to effectively respond to these developments. The week of events will bring together representatives from education coalitions, teachers’ unions, academia, national human rights institutions, human rights organisations, development organisations and other key education stakeholders.

Monday 5 September: 2SECTION27 Journalist Nomatter Ndebele is presenting at the “Humanities career journeys” at the University of Witwatersrand. The panel discussion is hosted by the university’s student career development unit and will allow students to discuss what challenges they may encounter in the working world with a humanities degree.
Monday 5th September: SECTION27 attorney’s Farnaaz Veriava, Sasha Stevenson and Nicki Stein are attending a public interest law advocacy programme hosted by the Socio Economic Rights Institute of South Africa from Monday through to Thursday.

Wednesday 7 September: SECTION27 Legal researcher Silomo Khumalo is on our screen once again doing at interview with television show: spirit of law to discuss the right to education. Spirit of the law is a legal talk show that informs individuals of legal issues and their legal rights within and beyond the borders of South Africa. Loveworldsat is watched in over 100 countries across the world and airs live every Wednesday at 6pm on a television station called loveworldsat. Loveworldsat is watched in over 100 countries across the world.

Wednesday 7 September: SECTION27 Legal Researcher, Silomo Khumalo and Senior Communication Officer, Ntsiki Mpulo will attend a Disability Indaba hosted by the Universities of Zululand and South Africa. The gathering will focus on Gender Based Violence among Women with Disabilities and will be addressed by Deputy Minister of Social Development Hendrietta Bogopane – Zulu. SECTION27 will use the opportunity to highlight findings from its report, Too Many Children Left Behind, Exclusion in South African Inclusive Education System which detail cases of abuse of children with disabilities in schools in the Umkhanyakude District in Kwa-Zulu Natal.


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