Sunday 16 February

Dear Friends,

Over the last seven years, SECTION27 has built a team that is skilled, committed and ready to take us to greater heights.  You can see them on our website: I have the utmost respect and love for the team and have belief in them. I am watching leaders grow and emerge in this space and I want to support them by building a legacy for S72.

You can help me.

S27 may look strong but it is not financially secure. It may have courage and conviction but it doesn’t have enough money. Isn’t that strange? An organisation that saves and betters lives struggling to find investors? The truth is that we still depend a lot on overseas donors, but the money is drying up as politics and priorities change. Over 150,000 people this year will die because of HIV and TB. And yet the budget of S27, an organisation that works to change this, is short by R7 million in 2017.

If we don’t do our work people will suffer and die.

You have the power to help us fill the gap and invest in S27. Please do!

Here’s my proposition to you.

From 20 – 29 April I will be trying to accomplish something that will take me to a different kind of edge. I am cycling in the Joberg2C mountain bike race. That is 900km, 100km a day, all off road, across the length of SA to the Indian Ocean on the KZN coast.

I want to use this race to raise at least R2,017,000 for S27. That’s R2,017,000 for 2017. We aim to raise R1 million in the nine days that I’m riding and then take it from there!

S27 needs to become self-sufficient financially. It needs investors, people like you, people whose money will not be invested to make them more money but to make our society more equal and just.

By investing in the quality of poor children’s education and health you are investing in your own children and in your own country.

By investing in S27 you are investing in social justice and rejecting polarisation, fragmentation and inequality.

That should be enough. But in return, I promise to complete the Joberg2C. I will send you daily updates from the trail, tell you about some of the most beautiful corners of our country as we wind through the Drakensberg mountains, and – if I have energy – I will tell you my thoughts on social justice, the ideas and insights that often come during long and lonely hours of physical exercise.

To make a pledge and to invest, go now to:


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