“Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.” – African Proverb
Translation: Don’t leap into a situation without first thinking about the consequences.
Monday 18
Legal Researcher, Tendai Mafuma will be attending a civil society consultation on how to protect against State-Owned Entities capture, State-Owned Entities Boards and Executive appointments. The consultation, organised by the Dullah Omar Institute, will discuss ideas and propose recommendations aimed at strengthening the appointment processes of State-Owned Entities Board Directors and Executive members.
Monday 18 – Friday 22
Field Researcher, Sifiso Nkala will be at uMlazi eThekwini metropolitan conducting training on The National Strategic Plan; Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and, Sexual Violence to Treatment Action Campaign Branches in uMlazi. The intention is to strengthen the Treatment Action Campaign in the district so that the district branches can effectively respond to issues related to: HIV/TB, sexual violence, AIDS councils and health facilities.
Tuesday 19
Legal Researcher, Vuyisile Malinga will be giving a presentation on “The Impact of Poor Sanitation on the Right to Basic Education” at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases for their World Toilet Day event.
Wednesday 20
Field Researcher, Patrick Mdletshe will be attending the Best Practice meeting, convened by National Department of Health and PEPFAR. The focus of the meeting is on sharing best practices and innovations in the roll-out of Dolutegravir and will include reflections on lessons learned in Uganda and Botswana: the implementation of pharmacovigilance and pregnancy registry in monitoring side effects. Patrick Mdletshe will be presenting the South African civil society perspective on Dolutegravir.
Field Researcher, Thokozile Mtsolongo will be hosting Eastern Cape Health Crisis Action Coalition General Meeting
Wednesday 20 Thursday 21
Legal Researcher, Motheo Brodie will be travelling to Palestine to attend the 15th National Conference on the Protection of the Right to Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Motheo will be presenting a paper on “South African Civil Society and the Right to Education.”
Thursday 21
SECTION27s Head of Health, Sasha Stevenson will be a respondent in a session on Social Accountability for Universal Health Care at the National Dialogue on Universal Health Care hosted by the Medical Research Council.
Thokozile will be Facilitating an Eastern Cape Health Crisis Action Coalition planning meeting for 2020.
In Spotlight:
Living on a prayer! Navigating a safe passage to health care in the EC.
What is for most people a normal visit to a clinic, turned into a nightmare for a young girl making her way back home from the Nkanya clinic in the Xhora Mouth Area of the Eastern Cape. In June this year the young girl was raped in a forest she had to walk through to get to her house in Folokwe village. She was 15 years old.
Has Government Aborted the Sexual Reproductive Health Rights of Women?
It is troubling to compare to what extent the sexual and reproductive health rights of men and women in South Africa are guaranteed. Patriarchy and traditional attitudes towards sexuality and gender roles have often resulted in an imbalance between men and women’s claims to their sexual and reproductive health rights. This helps to explain why men are freer to enjoy and feel entitled to their sexual and reproductive health rights compared to women who continue to fight for having their sexual and reproductive health rights realised.
Will NHI break the cycle of dysfunction in the Eastern Cape?
Last August, Health Ombudsman Malegapuru Makgoba released his report on Tower Hospital, an Eastern Cape psychiatric facility that had been in the limelight for alleged human rights violations. He repeatedly said that the provincial health department’s historical mismanagement and neglect was a “series of successful failures”, and called for the department’s mental healthcare responsibilities to be reverted back to the Minister of Health.