SECTION27 demands that Gauteng government pay NPOs to prevent another Life Esidimeni
9 May 2024, Johannesburg – For the past few weeks, SECTION27 has been engaging with the Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) on behalf of several non-profit organisations (NPOs) that offer welfare services to vulnerable people. These NPOs – House Otto Self-help Centre for Quadriplegics, Impumelelo Self-help Centre, Remme-los Residential Care and Continue Reading
The Right to Read campaign calls for Reading Regulations as World Book Day is commemorated
23 April 2024, Johannesburg – The Right to Read (R2R) campaign joins the global commemoration of World Book Day, dedicated to promoting the joy of reading and the invaluable role that books play in literacy and education.World Book Day encourages everyone to read in their own way, in their preferred Continue Reading
SECTION27, EE, EELC and LRC call on Parliament to protect the best interests of learners
SECTION27, Equal Education, the Equal Education Law Centre, and the Legal Resources Centre call on Parliament to protect the best interests of learners and reinstate clauses in the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (“the BELA Bill”) designed to ensure that school language and admissions policies do not unfairly discriminate against Continue Reading
MEDIA INVITATION: Cancer patients, activists, take to the streets demanding that Gauteng Health use the R 784 million allocated for cancer treatment
26 April 2024, Johannesburg – SECTION27, Cancer Alliance and Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), and patients waiting for cancer treatment invite the media to a march to the Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH), on 30 April 2024. We are demanding that the GDoH spend the R784 million set aside by the Gauteng Continue Reading
The Supreme Court of Appeal upholds the best interest of the child in corporal punishment case
10 April 2024, Johannesburg – SECTION27 and the Centre for Child Law (CCL) welcome the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) judgment in a corporal punishment case against the South African Council of Educators (SACE), in the matter CCL and others v the South African Council for Educators (SACE) and others. In a Continue Reading
Blind SA & SECTION27 welcome the National Assembly’s vote in favour of the Copyright Amendment Bill
29 February 2024, Johannesburg – SECTION27 and Blind SA welcome the National Assembly’s vote in favour of the Copyright Amendment Bill (“CAB”) during its plenary session this afternoon. The CAB will now be sent to the President for assent, bringing South Africa’s copyright law one step closer to realising the rights Continue Reading
SECTION27 makes oral submissions to the latest BELA Bill
SECTION27 welcomes the opportunity to make submissions on the latest version of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (2023 BELA) in the National Council of Provinces’ (NCOP) process, where the NCOP will consider an amended version of the Bill. SECTION27 is participating in this process and has shared written submissions Continue Reading
South Africa will spend nearly R320 less per learner and R200 less per health service user in the coming year
CORRECTION: In response to Minister Enoch Godongwana’s budget speech on 21 February 2024, SECTION27 released a statement that indicated that South Africa will spend R800 less per learner. The correct amount is R320 per learner. Please see below the amended statement.
MEDIA ADVISORY: SECTION27 goes to Supreme Court of Appeal on corporal punishment matter
20 February 2024, Johannesburg – SECTON27, representing the Centre for Child Law and the parents of two learners who were assaulted by their teachers, will partially appeal the High Court’s judgment in the Supreme Court of Appeal on 26 February 2024. Despite corporal punishment being banned from our schools since Continue Reading
HIV discrimination persists in the SANDF, despite multiple court judgments
SECTION27 welcomes the decision by the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to re-employ a recruit who was denied employment solely on the basis of her HIV status. In 2021, SECTION27 was approached by a client seeking assistance after she was denied employment by the SANDF because of her HIV Continue Reading
Treatment Action Campaign and MSF admitted as ‘friends of the court’ in a landmark case on access to medicines
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and Doctors without Borders (MSF), both represented by SECTION27, have been admitted by the Pretoria High Court, as amici curiae (friends of the court) in a compulsory license application for access to a lifesaving drug to treat cystic fibrosis, called Trikafta. The drug is not Continue Reading
Enhancing Access: Explaining how court-ordered changes to the Copyright Act improve access to reading materials for persons who are blind or visually impaired
SECTION27, Blind SA and Daily Maverick will host a webinar on 22 November 2023 explaining how a Constitutional Court judgment, handed down in 2022, changes the Copyright Act 98 of 1978 and improves the way persons who are blind or visually impaired living in South Africa can access reading materials Continue Reading
MTBPS 2023: Budgets must protect health care and education rights, now more than ever!
2 November 2023, Johannesburg – In the context of weak economic growth, lower-than-expected tax revenues collected and the implementation of measures to reduce public spending, the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) for 2023/24 has responded to this through budget cuts to health care and basic education, particularly to programmes characterised Continue Reading
Celebrating 30 Years of Social Justice: SECTION27 turns 30
1 November 2023, Johannesburg – The year 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of SECTION27, incorporating the AIDS Law Project (ALP), established in 1993. Today, SECTION27 launches a month-long campaign to commemorate its 30 years of work for social justice and human rights. The AIDS Law Project was established to use Continue Reading