Monday 10 February

TAC and MSF intervene in a case for a lifesaving cystic fibrosis drug priced at over R5 million

10 May 2023, Johannesburg – In what could be a groundbreaking case for affordable access to medicines in South Africa, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa, both represented by SECTION27, have filed papers in the Pretoria High Court to intervene as amici curiae (friends of the court) in a compulsory Continue Reading

Sonke Gender Justice, the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27 welcome  approval of the settlement agreement in the Silicosis Class Action.

Sonke Gender Justice, the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27 welcome the Gauteng High Court’s approval of the settlement agreement in the Silicosis Class Action. SECTION27 represented Sonke Gender Justice and the Treatment Action Campaign in the application to certify the class in the case in 2015, arguing in that case Continue Reading

TAC's Quest for Equality

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) has been recognised as one of the most effective social movements in post-apartheid South Africa. Among other things, it is responsible for the world’s largest programme to provide anti-retroviral treatment to people with HIV through the public health system, writes SECTION27’s Executive Director, Mark Heywood, Continue Reading


DON’T TRADE AWAY OUR HEALTH – PHARMA ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE SOUTH AFRICAN PATENT LAW REFORM & ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE MEDICINES Johannesburg/New York, August 13, 2015: A submission to the United States Government shows South Africa is facing pressure from the pharmaceutical industry to backtrack on intellectual property (IP) law reform that Continue Reading

SECTION27 makes submissions on the Competition Commission’s Draft Guidelines for Participation and Draft Statement of Issues

SECTION27 and its partners welcome the publication of the Competition Commission’s Draft Guidelines for Participation and Draft Statement of Issues for public comment. On 30 June 2014, SECTION27 made written submissions to the Competition Commission on both the Draft Guidelines for Participation and Draft Statement of Issues for the market Continue Reading