Monday 10 February

Groundbreaking Ugandan case that challenges the state's failure to protect maternal health

On the 27th of May 2011 the Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD), a Ugandan NGO, and the families of two mothers who died in government hospitals in 2009 in Uganda approached the Ugandan Constitutional Court alleging the women’s deaths were caused as a direct result of Uganda’s failing healthcare system. The Constitutional Court will begin its hearing of this landmark case this Thursday on July 7th 2011.

It is critical that you speak up for these women. Raise your voices in support of the right to health in Uganda, distribute this widely. Please send messages of support to CEHURD.
E-mail or phone +256 414 532283

South African social justice organisations mourn our courageous queer African martyr: comrade David Kato in Uganda

The Lesbian and Gay Equality Project, Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27 are saddened and outraged to learn of the brutal murder of comrade David Kato in Kampala, Uganda yesterday, 26 January 2011. We join activists in Africa and across the world in condolences to fellow comrades in Uganda, his loved ones, family and friends.