Tuesday 21 January

Freedom day 2018

Even though people died for these Freedoms, there are now instances where some of our leaders are picking at our freedoms, and slowly dismantling, the ability for many South Africans to be free. Freedom Day should be a day of celebration

Promotional video clip of A Country For My Daughter

In A Country For My Daughter Nonkosi Khumalo travels around the country investigating the stories of brave women whose court cases have transformed the law in South Africa for the better. The cases range from rape within a family to holding the Minister of Safety and Security liable, in cases where police were involved in violence against women. Through these stories, Nonkosi learns of the laws available to protect South African women and how they can be used.

Siyayinqoba Beat It! 2005 Episode 13 – HIV in the SANDF

Our constitution states that discrimination on the basis of one’s gender, sexual orientation and any unfair discrimination is not acceptable and yet by not employing people living with HIV or AIDS, the South African National Defence Force continues to discriminate against people living with HIV. The SANDF is exempt from key legislation which is the basis of South Africa’s non-discriminatory policy on HIV/AIDS. The support group debated and questioned why the law allows this kind of discrimination to continue in the South African Defence Force.