Saturday 18 January

Today, the nation celebrates Freedom day, a day that reminds us how far we’ve come in this hard earned democracy.

Even though people died for these Freedoms, there are now instances where some of our leaders are picking at our freedoms, and slowly dismantling, the ability for many South Africans to be free. Freedom Day should be a day of celebration, a day when many won their hard earned right to vote for the first time in a democratic South Africa. But it is hard to celebrate this freedom hard knowing that thousands of children in Limpopo still have no access to proper sanitation, instead these children are forced to use dilapidated dangerous toilets and youngsters like Michael Komape have lost their lives, trying to use the bathroom.

It would do us well, to remember why we fought for freedom. So that we could all lead quality lives, with equal access to opportunities, where nobody is discriminated against and where nobody’s dignity is eroded in their search for basic Human rights.

People living in South Africa need to rally alongside each other, to channel our disappointments and anger into positive change, not just for individuals but for everyone in this country, because when the likes of Winnie Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada joined the movement, it was never about the glory that they would achieve for themselves, but rather the dignity equality and opportunities that they could spread to the people far and wide. Let freedom reign, for all.

Watch our Freedom Day Video


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