Saturday 18 January

Monday 12th

The SECTION27 Health Team is heading down to Durban for the annual AIDS conference. The team will attend various plenary and satellite sessions in the week. The team will also participate in various advocacy actions to highlight issues around HIV/AIDS and the right to healthcare, for people on the ground.

Tuesday 13th

Catch Executive Director Mark Heywood on Smile FM at 12:15pm. Mark will be discussing his newly launched book “Get up, Stand up” The book, is a memoir of Heywood’s experiences in the fight to achieve social justice. Copies of the book are available at all good book stores.

Wednesday 14th

SECTION27 Communications officer Nomatter Ndebele is attending a dialogue on Social Inequality at the Institute of Directors. Nomatter will speak about the challenges with regards to Education and access to Healthcare in the country. The dialogue will also be attended too by the likes of Cas Coovadia, Chair of the National Business initiative, as well as Mohamed Adam and Allan Greenblo.

SECTION27 Legal Researcher Thabang Pooe will be at St David’s High school, to speak about choosing activism as a career choice. This is part of the schools “Discovery day”, which is a careers day for the learners.

Categories: Week Ahead


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