Friday 07 February

Monday 18 February

Budget Analyst Daniel McLaren and Senior Communications Officer Ngqabutho Mpofu will be travelling to Cape Town to connect with the Budget Justice Coalition. They will participate in the pre-budget lock-up in Parliament on Wednesday to scrutinise the 2019 budget proposals. SECTION27 is hoping to see Treasury declare an end to counter-productive fiscal austerity, a comprehensive and multi-faceted economic and jobs stimulus programme, progress on dealing with corruption and the reform of State Owned Enterprises, and renewed investment in the health, education and well-being of people. For interviews and commentary on the budget contact Ngqabutho Mpofu on 061 807 6443 or on email at

Tuesday 19 February

Education Attorney Samantha Brenner will be making a presentation on the right to basic education and the state of school sanitation to a group of educators and NGOs working in teacher development, at a discussion organised by BRIDGE (Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning in South Africa) at the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance  in Johannesburg.

Wednesday 20  – Thursday 21 February

Head of Health  Sasha Stevenson and Grants Administrator Mzamo Sokhela will be in Durban to meet with AFSA (AIDS Foundation of South Africa) and TAC (Treatment Action Campaign) to discuss progress and plans for 2019 regarding our shared SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) programme.
Friday 22 February

Executive Director Umunyana Rugege will be attending a Brown Bag Session at RHAP’s (Rural Health Advocacy Project) 10th year celebration advocating  for rural health at RAITH SA offices. The topic of the session – “A reflection on rural health advocacy: Taking stock of RHAP’s 10 year journey and mapping a way forward. This event will harness the collective wisdom of the Raith partners in looking back and forward; what worked and why, are there any blindspots and what are the new opportunities for RHAP’s advocacy over the next 10 years.


Late last year several hundred people who work or have connections with the health sector gathered in Johannesburg under the banner of the “Presidential Health Summit”. Yesterday Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi released a report which “contains the output of the deliberations of the first Presidential Health Summit held in Boksburg on 19 and 20 October”. Read the President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech here Speech on the launch of the Health Summit Report (which was read by Motsoaledi). The full report can be read here Presidential Health Summit 2018 Report Spotlight will publish an opinion piece.

Categories: Week Ahead


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