“Hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories…”― Amilcar Cabral
Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral was one of Africa’s foremost anti-colonial leaders
Many businesses have returned to work with the easing of the lockdown from level 4 to level 3 on 1 June 2020; however, SECTION27 staff will continue to work remotely.
Our advice desk will only conduct telephonic consultations. The numbers to call or WhatsApp are 060 754 0751 or 067 419 6841.
The public interest organisations legal support hotline continues to be available to the public to contact regarding rights violations: 066 076 8845.
Together with Equal Education and the Equal Education Law Centre, we’re taking the Department of Basic Education to court for breaking its promises to provide the National School Nutrition Programme to all eligible learners.
The week ahead
Following the tabling of the Supplementary Budget by the Minister of Finance on 24 June, SECTION27 is participating in the Budget Justice Coalition’s submission to Parliament’s Finance Committees and the public hearings that will take place on the budget on 1 July.
The week that was
After scrutinising the Supplementary Budget tabled by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on the 24 June, the Budget Justice Coalition issued a statement calling out the Government for failing to live up to COVID-19 socio-economic relief promises. Read the full statement on our website.
Together with Equal Education, Equal Education Law Centre, we have raised concerns about the lack of additional funding in the supplementary budget to Basic Education. Read the full statement here.
Thanks to our joint advocacy efforts with Equal Education and Equal Education Law Centre, the Department of Basic Education released amended directions for managing COVID-19 in the basic education sector. You can read more about it here.
In Spotlight
COVID-19: First Langa resident to test positive reflects on COVID-19 and quarantine
Nosisi Jacobs from Langa in Cape Town is among the over 37 000 people in the Western Cape who have so far recovered after testing positive for COVID-19. Siyabonga Kamnqa spoke to her about her journey from diagnosis, to life under quarantine and finally recovery.
COVID-19: How life has changed for providers of mental health services
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced mental health practitioners to rethink and adapt how they provide mental health services amidst daily reports of COVID-19 infections and deaths and under the constraints of the national lockdown. Melissa Javan asked mental health practitioners about how their lives have changed.
Reflections on the future of nursing in South Africa
The Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP) recently hosted an online webinar focusing on social accountability in the nursing education. Professor Laetitia Rispel, SA Research chair on the Health Workforce at Wits, delivered the opening address on challenges facing the nursing profession. We publish an edited extract.
COVID-19: Healthcare worker unions explain their concerns
As South Africa’s COVID-19 numbers continues to rise, long-simmering healthcare worker complaints are boiling over. Tiyese Jeranji spoke to trade union representatives from Hospersa, Denosa, Nehawu and YNITU about salary disputes, staff shortages, healthcare workers safety, psychological strain, and access to personal protective equipment.
Dramatic drop in SA’s immunisation rates
National immunisation rates for children under five years have dropped dramatically over the period of South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown, sparking fears of an outbreak of deadly childhood infectious diseases including measles. Adele Baleta reports
COVID-19: Stark differences between public and private sector testing
While COVID-19 tests in the private sector are often processed within a day or two – even if the test is not urgent – many patients in public sector hospitals have to wait a week or more. Amy Green investigates the stark differences between public and private sector testing in South Africa.
COVID-19: Questions over access raised as vaccine trial kicks off in SA
South African volunteers are about to join the first COVID-19 vaccine trial to be conducted in the country. Ufrieda Ho reports.
COVID-19: How the Melusi container clinic has adapted to the pandemic
As COVID-19 cases increase things are looking a little different from normal at the Melusi container clinic in Tshwane. Elna Schütz reports.
In-depth: The deals that will see public sector patients in private hospitals
As COVID-19 case numbers continue to rise, so does the need for hospital beds. Kathryn Cleary explores the agreements that will see some public sector COVID-19 patients going to private hospitals and asks what this means for NHI.