Monday 17 February


SECTION27 seeks a qualified M&E consultant/consultancy with extensive experience using participatory processes in developing Theories of Change within the social justice sector. Requirements are outlined in more detail below.


SECTION27 is a well-established and widely respected public interest law centre that seeks to achieve substantive equality and social justice in South Africa. Guided by the principles and values in the Constitution, SECTION27 uses the law through litigation, advocacy, legal literacy, research and community mobilisation to advance socio-economic rights, in particular the right to access health care services and the right to basic education. SECTION27 aims to achieve systemic change and accountability to ensure the dignity and equality of everyone and to contribute to a society that is stable, democratic, and based on constitutional principles.

SECTION27’s primary thematic areas are the right to access health care services and the right to basic education. When the AIDS Law Project was launched in 1993, HIV was one of the biggest threats to the lives of people in South Africa. As treatment programmes and non-discrimination laws were developed and implemented to deal with the threat of HIV, in 2010 we turned to the system that is needed to support people’s health and one of the primary social determinants of health: basic education. SECTION27’s agility has seen it retaining its strategic focus while adapting to address the needs of the moment, whether that is focusing on sexual and reproductive health rights in schools, the impact of climate change on health and education rights realisation, or the ongoing problems with budgeting and spending public money.

SECTION27 is based in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Although our work aims to have a national impact we do have interventions with a strategic focus on particular provinces – Gauteng, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.



SECTION27 began developing a formal M&E system and processes in 2022, and has since then developed a solid foundation for collecting data from its core activities, thereby monitoring progress against outputs, and, to some extent, outcomes.

In the lead up to its next strategic planning process (to start late 2024), and with an eye towards building an evidence base of its impact, SECTION27 would like to undertake a review of its existing Theory of Change, which was developed in 2013. While this Theory of Change may only require minor refinements, the process itself of reviewing the Theory of Change, through a comprehensive participatory process involving all staff, is expected to be of great benefit in further strengthening staff ownership of, and alignment with, the organisation’s vision for change, and everyone’s respective roles in the change process.  

Approach and Methodology

A critical component of the consultancy is to ensure collaboration and active engagement of all staff throughout the process, especially for staff who are new to the concept of a Theory of Change and its usefulness as a learning and evaluation tool.

It is expected that the process will involve a series of discussions and feedback loops with staff, to facilitate discussion, solicit input, make revisions and present back to staff for further input, until there is consensus and ownership.

The consultant will work with the Executive Director and M&E team throughout the consultancy, and will be provided with the relevant background documents for an initial desk review.

Expected Deliverables

The consultant will work directly with the Executive Director and M&E team to deliver the following:

  • A revised Theory of Change
  • Short summary report outlining the process and highlights of discussions
  • Debrief with the SECTION27 team


The consultancy is expected to begin in September.



  • Minimum of an advanced degree in social science or another relevant field.
  • Education in another sector (health, education, gender, public policy) an added advantage.


  • Demonstrated expertise in developing theories of change.
  • Understanding of different approaches to developing theories of change and the implications for MEL frameworks.
  • Expertise in policy and advocacy at a range of levels including grassroots programming and national policy influence and advocacy; understanding of public interest litigation will be an asset.
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines.
  • A strong approach to conducting consultative internal processes for developing theories of change.
  • Knowledge of MEL trends and successful practices in the sector, particularly relating to policy and advocacy work.
  • Experience working on women’s rights and gender equality.


Please submit your applications by email to with the subject line ‘Theory of Change Consultancy’. Deadline for submissions is 22 August 2024. The application must include the following:

  • Two References (names and contact details)
  • A brief technical proposal, including an outline of the intended methodological approach and tentative timeline with key milestones
  • A financial proposal indicating total number of days required and daily rate
  • CV/ profile
  • Examples of prior Theory of Change models
Categories: Vacancies


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