Monday 09 September

Spotlight on NHI: In search of common ground

26th August 2019 | For Spotlight by Marcus Low Since the introduction of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill in parliament two weeks ago an enormous amount has been written. Tamar Kahn’s article in Business Day provided probably the most balanced and realistic assessment so far. In the Daily Maverick, Ferial Haffajee highlighted the Continue Reading

NHI Bill is just not the right medicine

SECTION27 supports the extension of healthcare to as many South Africans as possible, but until the public health system is fixed and private healthcare better regulated, this will remain a chimera.   First published in the Daily Maverick on 26 June 2018 On 21 June 2018, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi released the Continue Reading

7 June 2016 SECTION27 Submission on the NHI White Paper

SECTION27 welcomes the release of the White Paper on National Health Insurance (White Paper) for public comment. As an organisation that is committed to the realisation of the right of everyone to have access to health care services including reproductive healthcare and the right not to be refused emergency medical treatment as entrenched in section 27 of the Constitution, we support universal health coverage. We thank the National Department of Health (the Department) for inviting comments to the White Paper. We are in agreement with the White Paper’s recognition that “Prior to the 1994 democratic breakthrough, South Africa had a fragmented  health system designed along racial lines. One system was highly resourced and benefited the white minority. The other was systematicallyunder-­resourced and was for the black majority”. SECTION27 notes that the remnants of that racist and inequitable system still linger in post apartheid South Africa and see health system reform as vital to the broader vision of equality. We have, therefore, always been committed to working with the Department in the development of a policy that aims to realise the right of everyone to have access to healthcare services and that gives credence to equality, dignity and fundamental human rights. 7 June 2016 SECTION27 Submission on the NHI White Paper

Presentations: Mpumalanga NHI training

SECTION27 staff were recently in Ermelo to give presentations on the NHI pilots in the Gert Sibande district. Please find them attached. Gert Sibande pilot presentation NHI Gert Sibande NHI monitoring tool presentation NHI policy Presentation – Mpumalanga