Saturday 18 January

Monday 12th: SECTION27 mobiliser Solanga Milambo will attend a Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Health consultation. The TAC’s advocacy team conducted visits to health facilities in Limpopo and will now discuss the next steps in addressing community concerns as well as creating a broader health campaign around access to treatment.

This week, ECHCAC will participate in a meeting with the Eastern Cape Department of Health on access to healthcare for the Xhora Mouth Administrative Area including ambulances and PPT vehicles. In addition, Fikile Boyce will visit communities in Madwaleni and Canzibe to continue with EMS monitoring.

Tuesday 13th: Basic Education for All and SECTION27 will conduct school visits in the province of Limpopo, to collect information from a variety of schools whose infrastructure has been affected after storms. This work is in line with Monitoring efforts by BEFA to ensure that all schools in Limpopo have access schools with proper infrastructure.

SECTION 27 Researcher Thuthukile Mbatha and SLLSJ Fellow Ntombi Maphosa are heading to Vryheid in Durban to conduct a workshop for Community Health Care Workers (CHW’s) on the newly implemented Ward Based Primary Health Care Outreach Team (WBPHCOT) policy. The workshop will be attended too by CHW’s from Zululand.

Thursday 15th: SECTION27 community Mobiliser Solanga Milambo will attend the launch of a South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) report following “National investigative hearings into impact of protest-related action on the right to Basic Education in South Africa”.

SECTION27 will host a National Health Insurance (NHI) seminar in the Gert Sibande, an NHI pilot district in Mpumalanga. The seminar will give all NHI Stakeholders an opportunity to engage in matters regarding the progress of the implementation of NHI, in Gert Sibande.

Friday 16th: SECTION27 Attorney Sasha Stevenson will attend a Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP) Board meeting.


Categories: NewsSECTION27


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