Monday 17 February

JOHANNESBURG, FRIDAY 31st MARCH – TAC and SECTION27 join millions of people living in South Africa in rejecting and opposing Jacob Zuma’s dictatorship. What is happening in South Africa this evening with the firing of Pravin Gordhan and other Ministers is tantamount to a coup. It is not being done to advance our Constitution or to fulfil his duties, but to advance a faction and a gang of serious thieves.

We view these moves by Jacob Zuma as a a threat to our lives and peace. The moment has arrived for people living in South Africa to peacefully take to the streets and exercise our democratic and hard won right to protest. We are back to an authoritarian state. We call on ANC leaders who spoke out yesterday at Uncle Kathy’s funeral to act now. We have the power to stop this. As Derek Hanekom said yesterday: “The ANC Constitution does not require its members to unite the ANC, but to unite the country.”

We will join others today and gather at Church Square, in Pretoria at 10am, and outside Parliament in Cape Town at 11am. Details of other cities to be announced. But wherever you are get out on the streets. Wear or carry the flag. This is a peaceful and disciplined demonstration. Be there, Spread the message.

The Constitution gave you power, use it! Uncle Kathy spent 26 years in prison for you. Honour him and his legacy.

Categories: News


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