“The ends you serve that are selfish will take you no further than yourself but the ends you serve that are for all, in common, will take you into eternity.” ― Marcus Garvey
Monday 29 July
Community Mobiliser Sifiso Nkala will attend a meeting that aims to re-establish the local branch of the Treatment Action Campaign in kwaMashu, KwaZulu Natal.
29 July – 2 August
Nkululeko Conco will be attending the first phase of the Section 59 Investigation Panel – Probe of Alleged Race Discrimination by Medical Schemes for the Council of Medical Schemes at the Council’s’ office in Centurion. The Section 59 Investigating Panel will be chaired by Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi (SC) together with Advocates Adila Hassim and Kerry Williams.
Tuesday 30 July – Wednesday 31 July
The SECTION27 team will conduct sexual violence and sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) workshops for 20 participants from Gauteng, Free State and Limpopo. The participants have volunteered to be trainers in a project which aims to conduct workshops in 50 schools in the three provinces.
Sifiso Nkala will be in kwaMaphumulo municipality for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Sexual Violence training of the Ward Aids Committees, emphasising the rights of health care users.
Wednesday 31 July
Head of Health Sasha Stevenson will be attending a roundtable discussion on Migration and Health hosted by the University of the Witswatersrand together with Chatham House, University College London and the Lancet Commission.
Thursday 1 August – Friday 2 August
Head of Health, Sasha Stevenson and Eastern Cape Health Crisis Action Coalition Coordinator, Thokozile Mtsholongo will attend a meeting with the Xhora Mouth Clinic and Ambulance Committee about renewed promises by the Eastern Cape Department of Health to provide an ambulance for use in the area and the non-implementation of earlier undertakings to develop a functional emergency medical service in the area.
Friday 2 August -Sunday 4 August
Head of Communications, Nontsikelelo Mpulo, education researchers, Motheo Brodie and Intern, Simphiwe Ntshangase will travel to the uMkhanyakude District to distribute the Learners with Disabilities audio book in Manguzi. This is an important advocacy tool, and will support our work on the rights of learners with disabilities to access education in uMkhanyakude. The book provides audio explanations in English and isiZulu about the right to access basic education.
The week that was
Dozens of treatment activists at the International AIDS Society (IAS) conference took over several drug company booths. Using balloons and streamers they called on governments across the world to join the #Science4All “party” to make treatment available to all. This is to ensure sustainable and affordable access to more effective medicines to treat HIV, drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) and hepatitis C that are currently priced out of reach for many people in need.
Sonke Gender Justice, the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27 welcome the Gauteng High Court’s approval of the settlement agreement in the Silicosis Class Action on Friday 26 July 2019. SECTION27 represented Sonke Gender Justice and the Treatment Action Campaign in the application to certify the class in the case in 2015, arguing for the transmissibility of general damages, such as damages for pain and suffering, to the surviving family members (mostly women and children) of mineworkers who died due to silicosis.